Prof. Yair Kless gehört zu den international renommiertesten Violinpädagogen seiner Generation. Er begann seine Karriere in seiner Heimat Israel, wo er Mitglied in zahlreichen Kammermusikensembles war. Kless unterrichtete in eigenen Klassen an der Rubin Academy in Israel, der Kunstuniversität Graz und als Gastprofessor am Royal Northern College of Music. Yair Kless erhielt seinen Hochschulabschluss an der Music Academy in Tel Aviv unter der Leitung von Israel Amidan. Aufgrund einer Empfehlung von Nathan Milstein studierte Yair Kless in Brüssel bei Professor André Gertler am „Conservatoire Royale de Musique“ und an der „Chapelle Musical de la Reine Elisabeth“, wo er mit den höchsten Auszeichnungen in den beiden Fächern Instrumental- und Kammermusik abschloss. Seit seiner Jugend bis heute konzertiert Yair Kless regelmäßig in Israel, den USA, Europa, Australien und Südamerika als Solist und Kammermusiker. Sein großes Repertoire schließt alle Perioden der Musikgeschichte ein, vom Barock bis hin zur Moderne, sowie Premieren von Musikstücken, wobei einige eigens für ihn geschrieben oder aber ihm gewidmet sind. Yair Kless war einer der Gründer und erster Violinist des Sol-La-Re Streichquartetts, das unter anderen die bedeutendsten Werke der israelischen Komponisten aufzeichnete. Er gehörte dem „Israeli Baroque Ensemble“ an, mit welchem er weltweit konzertierte und auch bei den angesehenen Salzburger Festspielen auftrat. Als international anerkannter Violinpädagoge wird Yair Kless regelmäßig zu Meisterkursen eingeladen. In den Jahren 1989 – 1993 war er Rektor der Rubin Academy der Universität Tel Aviv; das String Department wurde viele Jahre von ihm geleitet. In seinen Meisterklassen, sowohl an diesem Institut, als auch an der Musikhochschule Graz, studieren junge Geigerinnen und Geiger aus aller Welt. Der Kreis seiner Schülerinnen und Schüler umfasst mehrere Preisträger internationaler Violinwettbewerbe. Yair Kless ist außerdem gefragter Juror zahlreicher Musikwettbewerbe.
Eyal Kless, born in Israel, has performed and taught throughout the world, fast establishing himself a dynamic and versatile musician. He is the founder and 1st violinist of Israel Haydn Quartet, which is now well into a successful second season, and is former member of the Manchester Piano Quartet. Eyal has also performed with artists such as Martin Rosco, Dr. John O'Conor, Adrian Brendel and others.
Eyal recently moved back to Tel Aviv, Israel. He is currently teaching at the Buchman Mehta School of Music both violin and methods of violin teaching. He previously taught at the Royal Northern College of music, Chethams School of Music (Manchester, England) and at the Royal Irish Academy of Music (Dublin, Ireland).
Eyal works and performs with his father Yair Kless. His own and mutual students have won 1st prizes and are laureates of numerous international and national competitions. He gives lectures (stage fright and technical elements of playing) as well as masterclasses and concerts all over the world including Taiwan, New Zealand, USA, most of the EU countries and is invited to jury panels of international competitions.
Eyal Studied in Tel Aviv with his father, Prof Yair Kless, and in Vienna with Igor Ozim, Michael Frischenschlager and Reiner Kuchl.Eyal's first professional book, "Zen and the Art of Violin Practicing", is praised by students and professionals alike. His first Novel, "Rocca’s Violin", was published in Israel.
Eyal recently moved back to Tel Aviv, Israel. He is currently teaching at the Buchman Mehta School of Music both violin and methods of violin teaching. He previously taught at the Royal Northern College of music, Chethams School of Music (Manchester, England) and at the Royal Irish Academy of Music (Dublin, Ireland).
Eyal works and performs with his father Yair Kless. His own and mutual students have won 1st prizes and are laureates of numerous international and national competitions. He gives lectures (stage fright and technical elements of playing) as well as masterclasses and concerts all over the world including Taiwan, New Zealand, USA, most of the EU countries and is invited to jury panels of international competitions.
Eyal Studied in Tel Aviv with his father, Prof Yair Kless, and in Vienna with Igor Ozim, Michael Frischenschlager and Reiner Kuchl.Eyal's first professional book, "Zen and the Art of Violin Practicing", is praised by students and professionals alike. His first Novel, "Rocca’s Violin", was published in Israel.